You can book the following services directly with us: lessons, equipmentrental, storage, transfer and hotel!
For booking and information please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including your booking request or additional questions about the reservation and payment.
Alternatively you can also use our contact form for your request.
We need the following informations from you for a reservation/booking:
For windsurf equipmentrental:
For Kite equipmentrental:
For kite- or windsurfinglessons:
For storage:
For hotelbooking:
The following informations are always important:
If you are in doubt, which equipment will be right for you or which lesson suits your current level, we are happy to advise you!
The reservation is confirmed when the payment is received. You can pay in advance to our german bankaccount or we can debit the amount from your creditcard.
In addition to email and booking form you can reach us as well via telephone!
Our team will reply or forward your inquiry immediatly.
Tel.: +20 100 6672811
You can also book your complete holiday with a [touroperator] selling our program.
ProCenter Tommy Friedl
El Naaba, Marsa Alam
ProCenter Location:
am Strand des Hotels "Three Corner Equinox"
Tel: +20 100 6672811
Kontakt: email