Wingfoiling Surf School

Beginner courses, traingssessions for advanced surfers, intensive or privatlessons for waterstart and all kind of manouvers.


Procenter Tommy Friedl - Wing Foiling Schule

Beginner Course


The ABC of Wingfoil Surf.
We are teaching the basics of wingfoiling in practical and theoretical lessons. Topics are the basic start, straigh forward surfing at low wind on longboards, change of directions and returning. Start an drive off with the foilboard as well as the socalled flying in foilride. Theoretic topics are safety in generall, way of right, weather and basic technical informations. (groupsize 1-3 participants)

3 x 2 hours incl. equipment 340.- €
4 x 2 hours incl. equipment 430.- €
ABC Event Week
The wingfoil lessons are implemented fluently into the week. A very good combination of training and practice hours/rental, while the teacher remains the contact person during the practice period. The aim is to experience a good variety of learning units and practice units in 7 days without time stress and thus to master wingfoiling in a playful way.
ABC Event Week: 3 x 2 hours incl. equipment and rental for up to 7 days  540.- €
subject to modification / errors and omissions excepted

ProCenter Safety

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Safety always comes first.
Our Beach Assistants are always keeping a close lookout and our rescue boat is always on duty.

ProCenter Facebook

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Visit us on facebook!
Procenter Tommy Friedl Friedl

ProCenter Shop

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Directly on the beach you'll find our ProCenter shop. Here you can check out the latest beachwear fashion, sunglasses and all different kinds of spare parts.

ProCenter Aloha Bar

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Sweet beachlife rounded off with a real espresso, fruitshake or cocktail. Our beach BBQ with bonfire and the beach parties are legendary. -- Life's a Beach! --


El Naaba - Marsa Alam

ProCenter Tommy Friedl
El Naaba, Marsa Alam
ProCenter Location:
am Strand des Hotels "Three Corner Equinox"

Tel: +20 100 6672811
Kontakt: email